Adult Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Ages 15+
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the martial art designed for a smaller person to be able to defend themselves from a bigger, stronger opponent. No matter what athletic ability you have, Jiu-Jitsu is right for you. In this class you will be learning how to defend yourself from when an attacker throws a punch to an attacker having a weapon in hand. By using timing and leverage, you will be able to successfully defend yourself.
Ages 15+
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the martial art designed for a smaller person to be able to defend themselves from a bigger, stronger opponent. No matter what athletic ability you have, Jiu-Jitsu is right for you. In this class you will be learning how to defend yourself from when an attacker throws a punch to an attacker having a weapon in hand. By using timing and leverage, you will be able to successfully defend yourself.

Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Kids Jiu-Jitsu (Ages 5-14)
Students will learn non-violent defenses that work on both strangers and bullies. With a focus on discipline, self-control, body awareness, physical development, and character development, children gain life-long skills and the confidence to assert themselves and not present themselves as victims. Learn to dissuade bullies, without becoming one.
Kids Jiu-Jitsu (Ages 5-14)
Students will learn non-violent defenses that work on both strangers and bullies. With a focus on discipline, self-control, body awareness, physical development, and character development, children gain life-long skills and the confidence to assert themselves and not present themselves as victims. Learn to dissuade bullies, without becoming one.

Mixed Martial Arts
Ages 15+
If you want to train like a fighter, this class is for you. We incorporate striking, grappling, and everything in between to make you into the best well-rounded fighter you can be. With personalized training, this class is suitable for those who want to fight professionally or just want to pick up a hobby.
Ages 15+
If you want to train like a fighter, this class is for you. We incorporate striking, grappling, and everything in between to make you into the best well-rounded fighter you can be. With personalized training, this class is suitable for those who want to fight professionally or just want to pick up a hobby.

Women's Self-Defense
Ages 15+
This class is designed to empower women through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. By simulating real-life scenarios, you will learn techniques and gain the confidence to subdue an attacker, regardless of your age or athletic ability.
Ages 15+
This class is designed to empower women through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. By simulating real-life scenarios, you will learn techniques and gain the confidence to subdue an attacker, regardless of your age or athletic ability.

Cardio Kickboxing
Ages 15+
Cardio Kickboxing is a group fitness class that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. This high-energy workout challenges the beginner and elite athlete alike. Though there is no live sparring, this class builds stamina, improves coordination and flexibility, and burns calories as you build lean muscle with this fun and challenging workout.
Ages 15+
Cardio Kickboxing is a group fitness class that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. This high-energy workout challenges the beginner and elite athlete alike. Though there is no live sparring, this class builds stamina, improves coordination and flexibility, and burns calories as you build lean muscle with this fun and challenging workout.